
2.英语作文 对油价税费改革的不同看法





若是我们在现实生活中把英语视为我们的日常活动,会不会学习的速度会更快呢?下面就由我为大家带来把...视为 英语 短语 ,希望大家能有所收获。


Regard... as 把?视为

treat a mistake as a joke 把错误视为玩笑

regard sth as a challenge 把某事视为挑战


1. There is very little stigma attached to crime and criminals.


2. Stephen Smith was accepted into the family like an adopted brother.


3. The press regard her as merely one of a ruling troika.


4. They see it as an infringement on their own freedom of action.


5. Airlines consider business trellers a captive market.


6. Some Americans see Oxford as an intellectual Disneyland.


7. She considers the office as her own private fiefdom.


8. The ancient Egyptians saw paradise as an idealized version of their own lives.


9. He regarded them as intellectual pygmies.


10. They seem to he written him down as a fool.


11. They dote on their daughter.


12. I look upon them as my compatriots.


13. The Indians think of him as a holy man, a com-bination of doctor and priest.


14. She had no wish to share her father with any outsider and regarded us as interlopers.


15. Shopping - bag ladies are not very communicative and take general conversation as an intrusion.




June 30 issue ? For Maddie Weinreich, had always been a joy.


Did Brooks: 'You he to get beyond treating people as rational machines who respond to the economic incentives.


He saw his work as building on the work of those who came before him and leing something behind for those who came after to build on top of.

4、该公司的总裁乔治?弗莱德曼说,他把网络世界视为情报收集和情报发布两方 面相 互增强的工具,这是超级间谍们的梦想。

Straifford president George Friedman says he sees the online world as a kind of mutuallyreinforcing tool for both information collection and distribution, a spymaster's dream.

5、哈佛商学院的威廉?萨尔曼相信人们将会把这一时期视为"美国 企业管理 的黄金时代"。

And William Sahlman of the Harvard Business School believes that people will look back on thisperiod as" a golden age of business management in the United States."

6、耶鲁大学讲师威廉?辛塞说得非常中肯:“把 元旦 视为重新开始、树立雄心的日子,这种观念完全是错误的。”

Yale Lecturer William Zinsser hit the nail squarely: “The whole notion of New Year?s Day as the time of fresh starts and bold resolutions is false.”


Straitford president George Friedman says he sees the online world as a kind of mutuallyreinforcing tool for both information collection and distribution, a spymaster's dream.


Straiford president George Friedman says he sees the online world as a kind of mutuallyreinforcing tool for both information collection and distribution, a spymaster's dream.


McCain today declined to describe Obama as his main opponent, however, preferring to hitboth Democratic candidates with a confident defence of George Bush's "surge" policy in Iraq.

10、业内专家特别批评了它的最高720p的分辨率,而史蒂夫?乔布斯,苹果公司的首席执行官,把它视为“业余 爱好 ”。

Industry experts he been particularly critical of its 720p maximum video resolution, whileSteve Jobs, Apple's chief executive, dismissed the device as "a hobby".


Arsene has monitored Modric for a year and sees him as a successor to Inter Milantarget Tomas Rosicky.

12、作为翻译研究派主要代表的苏珊?巴斯奈特和勒菲弗尔甚至把 文化 视为翻译的基本单位,主张文化研究应该转向注重翻译现象的研究。

And Bassnett and Lefevere even consider culture to be the basic unit of translation and claimthat it is the time for cultural studies to turn to translation studies.


President Dmitry Medvedev to the rebels in the region as the biggest threat to national security.

14、时代周刊的记者布莱恩?华尔士本周就报道了,一些国家现在已经把这些 措施 视为油价下跌的原因。

Time's Bryan Walsh reported this week that some countries are already reviewing environmental initiatives as gas prices fall.


Cisco CTO Padmasree Warrior told The New York Times, “We see this not as a new market,but a market transition.


The general partner himself holds great value investors such as Benjamin Graham, WarrenBuffett and Charlie Munger as admirable examples of both investing wisdom and personalintegrity.

17、“痛失宠物援助服务处”(Pet BereementSupportService,PBSS)的经理马戈?克拉克说:“对任何曾经有过宠物相伴的人来说,他们把宠物视为家庭中独一无二的特殊成员,并且习以为常。

"For anybody who has had a pet in their life they form a unique and very special member of thefamily, and remain so, " says Margot Clarke, manager of the Pet Bereement Support Service.


If U.S. diplomats consider India to be a major obstacle to global climate-change negotiations ?and they do ? it might be because of Sunita Narain.


Nadine Gordimer, a South African fiction writer, scenarist, human rights activist, views politicaland social shifts of South Africa as the main original source of her literary creation.


1. 表示拥有的英文短语

2. 变为现实的英语短语

3. 表示结果的英语短语

4. 表示增加的英语短语

5. 表示方式的英语短语

英语作文 对油价税费改革的不同看法

Oil tax reform

January 1 refined oil prices since the implementation of tax reform, oil prices did not increase, but the various sectors of the reform program has been mixed. Embody the oil tax reform and more and more tax, reform of taxes and fees for oil prices after the implementation of the impact, we think it is more reasonable oil prices, the additional fuel tax and the abolition of the maintenance fee was basically the same, the cost of keeping a car impact Great.

Reform program has given full consideration to the interests of all parties, especially the countries from January 1 to lower gas prices ahead of schedule to implement, but also highlights the principle of giving benefits to the people. The oil tax reform reflects the "multi-fuel, multi-tax; less fuel and less tax," the principle of a fair tax burden will be beneficial to society as a whole energy-sing awareness of emission reduction.

Transport enterprises of "worries" under the current situation in the finished oil tax reform, a more reasonable timing. Passenger motor vehicle industry, refined oil tax reform is a good thing. Oil tax reform before the introduction of No. 0 diesel price to 6.03 yuan a liter, but also to pay road maintenance fees and other costs. But tax and fee reform, road maintenance, passenger surcharge, transported tube is not only not he to pay fees, and oil prices also dropped to 4.88 yuan per liter. Which is not difficult to see, enterprise burden indeed a substantial margin.

However, due to uncertainty over oil prices, road transport enterprises to implement tax reform finished oil prices he the potential concerns, and that is changing oil prices. If the current 4.88 yuan per liter for diesel prices to adapt to the international oil price of 47 U.S. dollars a barrel standard, then, if international oil prices rose to 94 U.S. dollars, domestic oil prices if it will be doubled? If so, the pressure of the passenger business is unbearable.

In addition, the implementation of tax and fee reform, the secondary road charges will be withdrawn in an orderly manner, but "orderly withdrawal" is how a concept or make it difficult to understand. On the current situation in the province, highway fees or very common, many secondary roads toll stations he not yet withdrawn.






















翻译: (中文 ? 英语)

The oil crisis:

Could not escape the shadow of war

If rising oil prices in recent years from the track, a new round of oil a "gradual" rise to the 2008 outbreak of the conflict reached a "critical point." Looking at the international environment in recent years, oil prices also could not escape the shadow of war.

Some scholars he long put forward the "oil crisis in 2004 is the year of the outbreak," This year is the second year of the war in Iraq broke out.

Statistics show that after the first anniversary of the outbreak of the war in Iraq, the war showed signs of a protracted war, was that war would end very soon the idea of a gradual change in the oil supply concerns. That on March 27, the first international crude oil futures more than 30 U.S. dollars a barrel. Since then, the war in Iraq against the background of the rising oil prices significantly speed up the pace: in 2004 was 41.5 dollars in 2005 to 56.7 U.S. dollars and 66.2 U.S. dollars for 2006, 2007 (as at October) to 72.5 U.S. dollars. And to the January 3, 2008, after international crude oil futures prices exceeded 100 U.S. dollars.

Former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan in his memoirs, Yin Hui expressed the political attempts to Iraq's oil that the two wars (the Gulf War and the war in Iraq) is the two oil crises of the logic connection point.

Energy for:

The oil price speculation "political soil"

Institute of International Relations at Peking University doctoral tutor, "U.S. national strategy," a book the author Professor Liu Jinzhi, a new round of the spread of the oil crisis, and on previous occasions to reduce the supply of oil suddenly different, the crisis in oil supply and demand of oil shortage does not exist The situation. Did not occur in the supply and demand fundamental change in the circumstances, the surge in oil prices of more components such speculation. In countries attach importance to energy, energy for the big context, the international oil price is very "sensitive" and thus easy to market and the various political forces unlimited "Larger."

If the larger scope of observation, in addition to the capital in energy speculation, in fact all countries are "speculation" energy, energy for the "no smoke of war" atmosphere is very strong. Africa and the Arctic since last year of concern, it is because the two regions will be the future of oil and gas exploitation of the new territory.

Similarly, since last year, Iran and Venezuela he been using "energy weapon" expanding its diplomatic space. As energy-rich Iran, the European Union, Russia, Japan, India and other countries for energy cooperation with Iran exist, the Council's great to contain the pace of sanctions on Iran, the United States any attempt to isolate Iran he become complicated. Venezuela's Chez, the domestic oil and gas resources is the core capital against the United States.

Professor Liu Jinzhi that Russia increasingly skilful use of "energy card", is to play "energy diplomacy" very good case. In the global energy issues he become increasingly prominent as a backdrop, Russia will increase oil production capacity, the development of foreign oil and gas cooperation as the interests of developing countries, upgrading the status of an important means to accelerate its national strength of the recovery and development.

"Psychological expected to" push up oil prices

As early as 2008, scientists he considered that the oil production "peak" period in the next five to 10 arrival. Once oil production "peak" times come, oil production will decline year by year.

The long run, global demand for energy due to the expected incremental upward trend, but also with non-renewable energy and scarce, similar to "psychological expectations" will always maintain high oil prices.

Even if the similar solar, wind, biological sources such renewable energy sources, in the best of circumstances, can only meet the energy needs of the industrialized countries of the quarter. Although the conflict between supply and demand can be solved in the short term, oil prices could rapidly fall in the short term, but long term, "gradual depletion of energy," expected, is always the strong point of speculative capital stir up trouble.

Therefore, in order to solve the rising international oil prices, we must also eliminate the future of global energy production and supply shortage concerns, similar to defuse the "oil depletion" psychological expectations. However, the present situation, "energy shortage" of the psychological expectations obviously can not eliminate.



Lower oil prices in a timely manner, both for the private owners of vacation expenses while sing for their ceremony, presented a more refined oil price mechanism for the maintenance of the prestige of the implementation of measures to the market mechanism and then step by step.

National Development and Reform Commission recently issued a circular, decided at 12:00 on September 30 with effect from gasoline and diesel prices are down 190 yuan per ton, calculated to the retail price of 90 # gasoline and 0 # diesel oil ? liter is about the national erage decreased 0 .14 yuan and 0.16 yuan. This is the year, China's refined oil prices in the seventh revision.

After the last delay increases, the Development and Reform Commission this say about the finished product prices were down, although the decline is less than market expectations, but this time not only makes the adjustment mechanism of the outside of the finished product price is not over-react, but also making the National Day holiday trel in a private car owners can se a sum of money for the 60th anniversary of New China, presented a ceremony of Daqing. This adjustment not only safeguard the oil price mechanism for refined roach to the implementation of the prestige, but also conforms to market requirements.

We note that the uncertainty of economic recovery, high oil inventories and other factors, international market, oil prices a certain degree of drop in international oil price benchmark New York Mercantile Exchange, November crude oil futures contract for delivery in pricing below 66 U.S. dollars / barrel The minimum bid is only 65.41 U.S. dollars / barrel, while September 2 last adjustment of China's domestic refined oil price, the Brent, Dubai, Cinta three benchmark crude oil eraged 22, moving 71.52 U.S. dollars / barrels, a decline has reached the "measures" regulatory requirements.

In fact, since the last increase in domestic oil prices since the domestic market, oil prices began to drop the case. To the southwest, for example, after side of the domestic market price of oil has been the most tight, but the rise since September 2 after the price of oil, refined oil wholesale market prices began to fall. September 25, Chengdu 90 # gasoline wholesale price 6300 yuan / ton, No. 0 diesel 6100 yuan / ton, higher than the maximum wholesale price of standard below 1,000 yuan per ton, the highest. While in the agricultural province of Henan after the peak of the harvest of grain, after the emergence of rapidly declining trend, as compared with the September 2, Sinopec's 93 wholesale price of gasoline has fallen by about 250 yuan per ton; 0 # diesel oil dropped by 320 yuan per ton. Can see that the needs of the domestic market has been unable to crude oil prices to provide support. Reduction is an inevitable trend.



国家发展改革委近日发出通知,决定自9月30日零时起将汽、柴油价格每吨均下调190元,测算到零售价格90号汽油和0号柴油?全国平均 每升约分别降低0.14元和0.16元。这是今年以来,中国成品油价格的第七次调整。


